DogSmith Dog Training, Behaviour Consultations & Pet Care Services
No bones about it, every dog has unique needs. Here at The DogSmith of Estepona we recognise that dog training programmes need to be developed around the needs of the dog and the owner. We offer a selection of in-home private training lessons, dog behaviour counselling and pet care services.
Modern, science based, rewards based, force-free training techniques:
Pet Dog Manners Training 1-to-1s/Private Classes In Home Training Day Training - Latch Key Dog Training Walk and Train Puppy Training Pet Dog Ambassador (PDA) Assessments (in class and online) Behaviour Consultations Telephone/Skype/Email Consultation |
Group Classes:
Fun Scent Games Just for Fun Agility DogSmith Tricks & Manners Pet Dog Ambassador Small Paw Etiquette Puppy Classes DogSmith Whistle Recall Workshops/Seminars - Including the esteemed DogNostics Solutions 'Walk This Way' Programme! |
Pet Care Services:
Pet Sitting DogSmith Slumber Party DogSmith Sleepover Dog Romps Home Alone Day Care Lunch Break & Dinner Break We also offer KittieSmith Services! All our pet care services are carried out by Professional Certified Pet Care Technicians! |
Get the dog training and pet care you need, whenever you need it.
The DogSmith of Estepona has an array of service offerings to cover your every need!
One-On-One Behavioural Consultation
Behavioural consultations are for owners who have dogs with specific behavioural challenges such as fear, anxiety or aggression. Dog Behaviour Consultants are uniquely qualified and have expertise in evaluating, managing and modifying a wide range of challenging canine behaviours. The owner and head trainer at The DogSmith of Estepona is a Professional Canine Behavior Consultant - Accredited through the Pet Professional Accreditation Board.
Private One-On-One Training Lessons
Private sessions at The DogSmith of Estepona Training Centre or in-home pet dog training lessons are for owners who do not find group classes a viable option and would prefer one-to-one classes. We also offer Recap Classes for those who would like extra individual practise of all the fantastic behaviours they have learned in their group class!
Private Recap Sessions
A one-hour recap lesson for you and your pet dog. This series is customised around the skills you have learned in your DogSmith group class.
Please note we cannot work on new skills in these sessions.
Please note we cannot work on new skills in these sessions.
Pet Dog Solutions
A series of 8 In-Home lessons for you and your pet dog. This series is customised around the skills you would like to learn.
Puppy Solutions
A series of 6 lessons for you and your new puppy. This course covers the basic puppy skills, puppy development, house training and crate training.
Recap Solutions
A series of 6 lessons for you and your pet dog. This series is customised around the skills you have learned in your DogSmith group class.
Please note we cannot work on new skills in these sessions.
Please note we cannot work on new skills in these sessions.
Puppy Pack Latch-Key 14-day Training Programme
We visit your home three times each day, with two 30-minute visits from a DogSmith Certified Pet Care Technician to exercise and ‘let out’ your puppy and a third one-hour puppy training visit from a DogSmith Trainer. This programme does not require the owner’s presence.
DogSmith Puppy Training Board & Train Packages
Your dog can stay in the home of a Certified Pet Care Technician and will receive a minimum of 2 hours training each day with our Accredited Dog Trainer. The remainder of the dog’s time will be spent with the Pet Care Technician managing their new behaviours through interaction and play and enjoying a family environment.
Latch Key Dog Training
A DogSmith Certified Dog Trainer can visit your home daily or on an agreed schedule to train your dog.
DogSmith Visit (Home Alone)
A DogSmith Pet Care Technician visits your pet in your home for a 30-minute visit to entertain, exercise or feed pets while you are away.
DogSmith Sleepover
A DogSmith Pet Care Technician stays in your home with your pets. The service time is flexible depending on your needs but is normally 7pm to 7am
DogSmith Slumber Party
Your pet stays at the home of a DogSmith Pet Care Technician and enjoys the comfort and environment of a private home and family. The rate covers a 24 hour period. *Maximum two dogs from the same family.
DogSmith Dog Day Care
Let your dog play while you are away for the day or too busy at home with renovations or company. The DogSmith of Estepona provides individual day-care. Your dog will spend the day in the home of a Certified Pet Care Technician managing their behaviours through interaction and play, and enjoy a family environment. 11.00 am – 6:00 pm. *Maximum two dogs from the same family.
DogSmith Walk & Train
We come to your house and take your dog out for 30 minutes. This is a “win win” situation. You get thirty minutes’ free time while we give your dog some exercise via a walk. We incorporate training of loose leash walking/stop/stay/come/leave it/watch me/hand touch/heelwork – basically, whatever arises while we are walking. Please note: A Walk & Train is not a training class – It is a walk that incorporates training.
DogSmith Lunch Break / Dinner Break
Your DogSmith Pet Care Technician visits your pet to entertain and exercise him/her for 30-minute (mid-day break between 11:30 AM & 2:30 PM/dinner visit between 4:00 PM & 8:00 PM)
Dog Romp
Your DogSmith Pet Care Technician takes your dog for a 30-minute walk. Maximum two dogs per walk. Available in weekly or monthly packages.
For a comprehensive view of all our services, please click here
View Pricing here
Schedule your Service Options here
Contact details for Happy Dogs Estepona - now doing business as The DogSmith of Estepona
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Phone 636 083 943
Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Telephone Contact Hours: Mon-Fri between the hours of 10.00am and 6.00pm.
Please click here to visit our new website: The DogSmith of Estepona
Payment Methods: Cash. Cheques. Paypal.
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Phone 636 083 943
Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Telephone Contact Hours: Mon-Fri between the hours of 10.00am and 6.00pm.
Please click here to visit our new website: The DogSmith of Estepona
Payment Methods: Cash. Cheques. Paypal.